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Children of Divorce

For an extensive guide on resources to help children through a divorce please see this link below that has been so thoughtfully put together by Milavetz Law located in Minnesota.

Anthony Bennett, the PR Coordinator shares this “guide includes a lot of information on how children are affected during a divorce and ways the people around them can help.”

Children and Divorce -

Caregiver’s Guide

Betsy Wells, the Community Outreach and Senior Advocate shares, “Caring for a senior can be a positive and fulfilling experience. However, it also comes with a lot of challenges, including higher levels of psychological stress.” At, they over a caregiver’s guide that covers “burnout and stress, including how to identify and manage each. We also discuss respite care options and share a list of helpful resources for caregivers.” Please visit for more information

Boca Recovery Center

Carolina Jimenez, the Outreach Coordinator shares support resources for those that are a survivor of trauma and struggling with substance abuse. “At Boca Recovery Center, we understand the far-reaching effects that trauma can have on individuals battling substance use disorders. Our therapists practice trauma-focused therapy that recognizes and emphasizes the impact of traumatic experiences on a person’s addictive behaviors. If you or someone you love is a trauma survivor and struggling with substance abuse, get in touch with us on (855) 637-1331 to find out how Trauma Informed Therapy can help.”

Trauma-Informed Therapy for Substance Use Disorders resource guide:

Dangerous relationship between domestic violence and addiction:

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